Monday, September 17, 2007

Of models and mortals....

Dear Reader(s)

Hola! we have been apart for almost a day and already I have neared a few breakdowns in your absence. I have just been thinking about our next conversation. So here I am, bubbling and exploding with excitement with words ready to spill out in a hurried rush of almost incoherent typing.

The weekend came and the weekend went and all i could do was get in a few hours of sleep. The task at hand: a shoot for a very popular news channel. What sort of shoot you say? A programme on food and restaurants. Now I know what you all are thinking! The web is filled with enough people cribbing about their life/work/love etc and there really isn't the need for one more aka yours truly.

But come on give me some credit....i would never stoop to such emotional lows, maybe i would but heck knows!! This is about as the title suggests of 'models and mortals'....

The celeb lined up for the shoot (thanks to my oh so very fabulous boss) was a model/DJ (Now don't roll your eyes people) Ok I did roll my eyes too, I mean the last thing I wanted was to spend my Sunday catering to the whims and fancies of a model! Aren't intellectual freaks like me supposed to look down upon such creatures in all their vain glory (Vanity is a virtue best shown of subtly, sort of like I do)

So there I was loitering around the snazzy lobby with its hanging metal chandeliers (reminiscent of 70's gentleman's club) waiting for my 'celebrity' to land up at the hotel, while the TV anchor was busy touching her makeup (not like she needed more paint on her face).

But my wait was over in a while the car pulled into the lobby and out popped the 'model'. at first glance everything looked in place. Snazzy jeans(skinny fit of course), snazzier shirt and of course the chunky belt with what i must admit looked very chic converse trainers (they are almost a fetish with me you see).

A quick hello later he was off for his meal with the anchor and I entrained myself with the antics of the PR manager and her sons (the eldest of whom for some strange reason refuse to call her mum and refers her to by her first name, very strange for my Indian sensibilities, can't help its in our blood!) but soon enough I was bored of watching this perennial struggle and thank god the shoot was over and now the dreaded moment had arrived....make chit chat with the 'model'! Yikes!!!!!

But surprise surprise I thought I would encounter a narcissistic hedonist with a 'pop' hangover, yet what I came across was a down to earth, friendly fellow with an almost shockingly Innocent appeal to his eyes. And as he went on about his numerous ventures I couldn't help but think that her was this boy in a strange town trying his best to make a mark in a world that really doesn't give a crap about one's ambitions or ideas, its all rather about how good you look in that CK brief....

And i just though to myself.... us normal folks ( and i use the term normal very loosely, as far as I am concerned) watch these creatures with their toned bodies and bronzed skins in numerous intricate poses on the ramps, magazines covers, and parties and think just how different 'they' are from 'us'. We assume they live in a vacuum, where the parties never end and the life is as glitzy as those Valentino outfits. But in reality they couldn't be any more like us...

Our ambitions, dreams, aims, aspirations are so strikingly similar that it can surprise even the most cynical critics out there. But I think its harder for them....we are the ones with the upper hand, we are the ones who have the benefit of experimenting with education and careers....whereas the so called vacuum they live in limits them....limits them in so many ways that I actually don't know how to put it into words here.....

So I guess when it comes to 'models' and 'mortals' the advantage really lies with none...we all after all have no clue what we are doing...

Bon soir

Friday, September 14, 2007

Lets talk about......

Where do I begin! Been about two days and already there's been high drama. Dropped my wallet...lost a bundle of cash but somehow i am more sad about my lost (expired) college i-card! But that's not the point here, lets save my inexplicable longing for a tattered i-card to be discussed later....
Lets talk business....Wednesday evening i went out to the local yuppie market with two girls from work. Educated, upper middle class, latest cell phone totting with big bags, quintessential 'Delhi' girls. Halfway through our market excursion i realised i was late for a dinner date, the girls were exasperated. How could i abandon there search for that perfect dress to go with that perfect pair of tights (are they really back in vogue? It surprises me)
And then one of them, asked me...'so will the night end on the bed?' I wasn't sure how to react to this question, after all I was just going for dinner with a friends! Still the fact is i am not averse to some heavy petting and snogging on the couch on a first date, it can be fun! And when i said this, it was meet with the most unabashed judgemental look! I felt like i had just uttered a racist term coined by Hitler and the KKK in collusion! The fact that i wasn't going on date didn't seem to matter anymore.
Was it really that wrong of me.... why is it that we are willing to be in serious relationships at the tender age of 16 and yet we treat anything remotely sexual with this feeling of guilt combined with hysteria, saved best for a bubonic plague! Are we really an MTVised generation or rather are we just 'conservative republicans' dressed in democratic clothing?
And is it really just a cultural thing here in India? I mean, if a US senator can be pushed to closet his sexuality to such an extent that he prefers a few minutes of an amorous fling with a complete stranger in some random washroom, can people anywhere really make a claim for being sexually liberated?
This leaves me sort of confused. Why is guilt associated with the greatest pleasure man can know? I am not saying that we should all spend every breathing moment grinding our loins with the opposite(or the same) sex! But why should we feel guilty about doing it whenever we do it.
Lets just say I have had my fair share of lovers/flings/affairs/relationships ( I ain't much for labels) and its been fantastic in and out of the bedroom, but there were some of them who never really felt free enough to express their desires. Sex was more of something to be 'done' rather than...well you know
Maybe that's why I am considered ( by some, not that i am bragging!) a good lover. Perhaps it is the fact that i have accepted my sexuality, I don't see sex as a release, I see it as a build up to an expression of a feeling, a desire just like anger, happiness and so on.
Perhaps when you stop prioritising sex is when you truly do start to feel free enough to enjoy it to the hilt. After all isn't it just another way of expression and once you accept that... perhaps that is when even a kiss can give you the same pleasure as a blow.....Then why frown over something which gives us such incomparable joy.
Doesn't a wife long for her husband's touch, then why is it such a sin for 'single' people to desire the same or for that matter gay/bi/straight to feel the same way....
Why is it that until certified by a piece of paper (read society), sex is such a guilty pleasure and after that sanction (achieved through a hideously over the top celebration) it just over time becomes almost obsolete....
Maybe i am talking all bull...but then again i can't help but wonder.....
Hmmm bon soir my dear reader(s) for now...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This has me all excited!!!

Ok Ok this has hints of being a tad bit addictive!! Umm my last post was just a few hours back and now i am hankering for more!
Its shockingly like a 14 year old surfing the television in the living room long after his folks are asleep, all in the hopes for a glimpse of that oh so elusive scantily clad Aphrodite ish starlet to satisfy his raging hormones.....But i guess i finally understand the constant ramblings of my Internet obsessed best friend (aka the queen-he/she knows what i am talking about!)
Ok time for a flashback! I got into p.r 6 months back, till then it was mutton rolls at TEFLAS (A legend in Jawahar Lal Nehru University), early evening walks in the gigantic campus were followed by massive bitching sessions with fellow thespians and anti colonistic-neo-romantic-idealistic doped out scholars (Its ridiculous the drugs in that place, all indigenously grown might i add, so forget the poor afghanis smugglers trying to make a living!)
Ok see there I go getting all distracted again! Back to the topic at hand... so bam here i was at this posh little apartment/office near the snobbiest market around town! The start was fun! Though i was a bit bothered by the fact that within the first day assumptions were made that your truly was more of a muahhh-muahhin PR type (read lifestyle/bling/blah!)
But hey who am i too question people! And so there i started like a virginal belle being lead to her wedding bed, I too was lead to mine...aka a spanking new 5 star (Upscale, they insist on that) hotel! Thus began the daily grind, the first meeting with the client wasn't scheduled for a week later, but the bashing had begun!
Immediate target: my dressing sense! Now i am as fashionably aware as any other Mtvised young un in today's world, but i always have had that whole neo-romantic madness to me, mirrored at time conspicuously in my clothing!

To quote-" Are you really wearing that (with the most irritating prep girl twang added to it)" I was smashed and flabbergasted...was I, an aspiring fashionista truly be guilty of a fashion faux pass!?!! I rushed to the washroom to check my appearance (vanity is a major virtue of mine) besides the usual 'i am so ugly and fat' teenage girl routine, I didn't notice nothing that was earth shattering...

But then it hit me....PR isn't it all about image, wasn't i myself guilty of so many times tearing many a people to bits over their clothes and now that it finally happened to me.....did i realise the impact of a sharp taunt......

Oh don't worry i ain't getting preachy again! I got over the entire episode with a quick piece of chocolate and was back to my best judgemental self......To prove read kindly read data appended below!
Where do i begin (rubbing hands in glee!)...... Ok firstly let me tell you folks out there.... full bred Delhi socialites have really bad breath!!! A certain polo player/entrepreneur (who isn't one these days!) has such an issue with mouth hygiene that a 5 mile radius around him needs to be cordoned off!
As you can see from the above mentioned small tid bit my spiritual-i-won't-be-mean-in-p.r phase ended quite quick! *grin*.....
Ok lets do a quick Reece of the content so far..... Witty, bitchy and umm perhaps could be a bit sharper eh. A bit more streamlined , but what do i do its my most endearing quality my beloved neuroticism thats compels me to jump from topic to topic! Ok promise to my reader(s) my fingers are still crossed. Next post will be more subject centric!
Ciao xoxo

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Finally I have Arrived!!

After months of deliberation and constant coaxing by those i know and by those i barely know, I have decided to enter the blogosphere! (Despite the perennial fear that no one would read this, honestly i still am a bit freaked out about i drama queen?!?)

It took a lot of deliberation upon deciding the name but some how this one hit home....After all, at the risk of sounding philosophical, isn't life about getting the 'so called answers' that one and all seek. But I wonder are those answers really worth discovering, i mean if we knew exactly what our purpose in life is would there be any point to all that we go though!

Some how i like the sanctuary of 'not knowing' it excites me, inspires me and well almost gets me all hot n bothered about life. If i already had these answers then.....umm would i be here? would there be any point to thinking about life, work, love, relationships, family etc... (If you haven;t guessed this blog will be about all the shizzle!)

Ok i think i need to slow it down, getting a tad bit too preachy here eh! Let me quickly give my intro:

A jumped up pantry boy who never knew his place.... (Morrisey circa 1980s)
At present i am toiling away in the glam bam world that is PR! Ironically a year ago i was an aspiring journalist, who was a bit jaded with the whole concept that is well PR (maybe its my inner bitch who hated and still at some level hates being nice to each and every one!!)

But is PR really that superficial as some people perceive it to be (a new romantic prospect said so!) and honestly after nearly 6 months i have no freaking clue! There are days when i almost have an anxiety attack wondering what the hell am i doing here! And there are those days when i can't help but have the most smug grin on my face thinking about how freaking good this job is!

But hey that's me a born conundrum, a boy of contradictions....a wannabe socialite with a conscious (eeks!!!!) Born nearly 20 years ago to equally confused parents who still are trying to figure life out (more on that later)

Ok now i am starving a bit now and i don't want to bore my prospective reader(s) If only! So off to lunch, some pasta perhaps! (And get some bitchin done asap )